According to the decree of May 25, 2016 (pdf),the missions of doctoral schools (ED) are multiple, but can be summarized as follows: to ensure the training of doctors and their preparation for professional integration. The ED Environnements Santé (E-S) therefore declines the paragraphs of article 3 of this decree below :

According to article 3 of this decree, doctoral schools implement a policy for the admission of doctoral students within them, based on explicit and public criteria, inform students about the conditions of access, the skills required, the financing likely to be obtained, the nature, quality and rate of professional activity after obtaining the doctorate. They participate in the search for funding, propose its allocation in order to allow doctoral students to prepare and defend their thesis in the best conditions.


  • The ED E-S has chosen to conduct this policy through an annual competition based on clear and transparent criteria, open to the national level (see the “internal regulations”).
  • More generally, the ED is attentive to ensuring that the defense conditions are optimal, by ensuring that the recommended duration of the defense (3 years, aligned with funding) is respected, that additional training is carried out, and that doctoral students are in a dynamic of publishing their results (see the “thesis info” tab)

According to article 3 of this decree, doctoral schools organize scientific exchanges between doctoral students and with the scientific community; offer doctoral students training activities that promote interdisciplinarity and the acquisition of a broader scientific culture, including knowledge of the international research framework;      

  • The ED E-S Young Researchers Forum is organized each year, alternately in Dijon and Besançon. Doctoral students can present their work there, either in the form of oral communication or in the form of posters. During this event, round tables are also organized with Professionals from the public or private sector;   
  • The ED E-S also regularly organizes cross-disciplinary thematic days between the component laboratories, allowing exchanges between disciplines. The participation of doctoral students is an essential element of these days.   
  • The ED also supports the organization of cycles of seminars in laboratories or groups of laboratories, where the invitation of external speakers contributes to the scientific culture of doctoral students.

According to article 3 of this decree, doctoral schools ensure that each doctoral student receives training in research ethics and scientific integrity;   

This training, offered by the UBFC doctoral college, has been made compulsory since the start of the 2017-2018 school year.

According to article 3 of this decree, doctoral schools ensure a quality approach to training, in particular by setting up individual monitoring commissions for doctoral students and by offering the doctoral student’s supervisors specific training or support;    

  • The ED E-S has already been asking for a thesis monitoring committee for each doctoral student for a long time. E-S adapted this practice to the new law in 2017, by creating an individual follow-up with a Referent representing the ED at the end of the 1st year (see the “internal rules”).   
  • The ED E-S, in addition to the transversal doctoral training offered by the UBFC, offers a choice of specific training, complementary to the research training received in the laboratory where the thesis is carried out (see the tab “our training » « our training courses»).   
  • The ED E-S also supports the defense of HDRs by offering training to supervisors (training from the UBFC doctoral college), and encourages this approach which ultimately guarantees the quality of supervision (see the “HDR info” tab).

According to article 3 of this decree, doctoral schools define and implement support systems for the pursuit of a professional career after obtaining the doctorate in the public and private sectors and organize, in liaison with of the establishments concerned. monitoring of the professional careers of trained doctors;    

  • The ED E-S council has made it compulsory to carry out additional training of 120 hours during the doctorate, including 60 hours of training dedicated to the pursuit of a professional career (see the “our training” tab).   
  • In order to enrich this training, the ED E-S asks doctoral students to detect and synthesize, in the form of an Individual Notebook, the skills they have acquired during their thesis, either by following the aforementioned additional training, or during of their training through research in their laboratory. Such a notebook allows them to clearly identify their own skills and to be able to present them to a future employer.   
  • Finally, the ED annually monitors the professional integration of young doctors.


According to article 3 of this decree, doctoral schools contribute to European and international openness, within the framework of cooperation actions carried out with foreign higher education establishments or research centers;

The ED E-S provides all doctoral students with 1,500 euros in mobility grants during their thesis, either to participate in international congresses or to promote a research stay in a foreign laboratory. Theses under international joint supervision benefit from an additional grant of 500 euros to help with travel between joint supervision laboratories (see the “thesis info” tab or the “practical info” tab)