OFFRE DE THESE – Chrono-environnement et institut FEMTO-ST 

Titre : Dosimétrie optique par gels dopés aux nanoparticules.

En radiothérapie externe, bien que les techniques avancées fournissent des distributions complexes de la dose absorbée pour cibler la tumeur tout en protégeant les tissus sains environnants, elles contribuent à accroître la part des faibles doses qui augmenterait l’occurrence des cancers secondaires. Pour pouvoir quantifier avec précision ces faibles doses dans les traitements mais aussi lors du diagnostic, il est fondamental de disposer d’un détecteur précis et capable de donner une information 3D sans interpolation mathématique. Les détecteurs à base de gels répondent à cette problématique, mais ont besoin d’améliorer leurs performances métrologiques. Ainsi, pour augmenter leur sensibilité, l’ajout de nanoparticules est une solution, car leur numéro atomique élevé renforce la réponse du milieu. Les caractéristiques des nanoparticules (nature, taille, concentration, milieu biologique environnant), les propriétés physico-chimiques gel-nanoparticules, les performances dosimétriques des gels dopés et les mécanismes radio-induits sous-jacents ainsi que l’impact du dopage sur la méthode optique de lecture seront étudiés et analysés. En parallèle, des simulations numériques avec différents codes Monte-Carlo seront réalisées pour compléter les résultats expérimentaux, évaluer les performances des codes et aider à optimiser les dispositifs expérimentaux et le choix des nanoparticules.

Le doctorant interviendra au sein de deux laboratoires : Chrono-environnement (UMR CNRS 6249) et institut FEMTO-ST (UMR CNRS 6174) en collaboration avec le service de radiothérapie de l’hôpital Nord-Franche-Comté. Il sera encadré par une équipe multidisciplinaire :

  • Chimie (fabrication des gels et des nanoparticules)
  • Optique (banc de mesure)
  • Dosimétrie (physique médicale)
  • Imagerie (traitement d‘images)

Le doctorant aura l’opportunité d’intervenir sur toute la chaîne de mesure : fabrication des gels avec intégration des nanoparticules, irradiation à l’hôpital, lecture optique, interprétation dosimétrique.

Profil recherché : la candidate ou le candidat devra être titulaire d’un master ou niveau équivalent avec des compétences générales de physique-chimie, un goût avéré pour l’expérimentation et la programmation informatique.

Financement : allocation de recherche de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (~2200 € brut/mois) et possibilité de charge d’enseignement.

Contacts :

Offre de thèse à Grenoble : Etude du rôle du métabolisme du cholestérol des macrophages dans
la formation de la synapse phagocytaire dépendante de la voie CD47/SIRP-α en contexte tumoral (pdf)

PhD student in parasite immunopathology (PDF)

Workplace: Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology (Medical Faculty) and Institute of Parasitology (Vetsuisse Faculty), University of Bern
Starting date: Mai/June 2023 (negotiable)
Application deadline: 15.03.2023
Background: A PhD student position is available to study the immunoregulatory mechanisms under-pinning alveolar echinococcosis (AE), which is caused by Echinococcus multilocularis (small fox tape-worm) and which represents the highest ranking foodborne parasitic zoonosis in Europe.
AE is a neglected, but emerging liver disease of humans and other mammals. Current treatment of AE is limited, and the disease causes high medical, psychological and socio-economic burden. The para-site-modulated immune response induced upon E. multilocularis infection is coupled to disease out-come. However, parasite-specific factors responsible for host immunomodulation as well as pathophys-iological mechanisms underlying AE are still elusive.
In this highly collaborative and multidisciplinary project, we will apply already established protocols and use an integrated approach based on mouse models and patient-derived samples to investigate the contribution of a specific inflammatory pathways to E. multilocularis infection and AE disease. Technologies utilized in this project include immunological and molecular biology techniques, cell cul-ture, parasitology, fluorescence microscopy, and histology. The project will provide multiple opportuni-ties for collaborations and scientific exchange. The candidate will have access to state-of-the-art scien-tific equipment and core facilities.
Literature: Lundström-Stadelmann B. et al., FAWPAR 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00040

he Institute of Parasitology Bern carries out research on parasitic diseases of domestic and farm animals, and of humans, and is involved in teaching and diagnostic services and consulting. In terms of research, we focus on the study of pathogenetic processes that occur during parasitic infections, as well as on the development of new therapeutic approaches. The main topics of interest are zoonotic helmin-thiases (echinococcosis, fasciolosis), and abortion-causing protozoans (neosporosis, toxoplasmosis, tritrichomonosis).
The Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology is an institution of the University of Bern with three major tasks: teaching, research and diagnostic service. The Institute provides an attractive research setting that enables cutting-edge basic research together with facilitated access to human specimens and clinical data.
Requirements: We are looking for a strongly motivated, creative and talented candidate with a Master’s Degree in life sciences, biomedical sciences, or in veterinary or human medicine (Bologna compatible). The ideal candidate should be curious, perseverant, have a solid background in immunology, cellular biology, biochemistry, and ideally be familiar with common immunology techniques including flow cy-tometry, as well as cell culture techniques. Basic knowledge in biostatistics and previous experience with murine models represent advantages but are not prerequisites. The candidate should be proactive, have good communication skills (in English and possibly German) and possess an aptitude to work in a team as well as independently. Only applicants with outstanding CVs and references can be considered for this position.

If your profile matches our requirements, we look forward to receiving your application. The single PDF file should be sent to and include: CV, copies of diplomas and transcripts, a brief statement of your specific qualification for this position and the names and telephone numbers of two references.
We offer: Our group offers a well-funded research project in a young and dynamic environment, with close collaboration within the well-established team and other members of the Institute of Tissue Medi-cine and Pathology and the Institute of Parasitology.
Bern, the capital of Switzerland, is located very close to the Swiss Alps and is well connected to many important European cities (Milan, Zurich, Paris, and Munich). PhD Students will be part of the Graduate School of Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (
The salary will be according to the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation: (see Annex 12).
Questions can be directly addressed to the group leaders Prof. B. Lundström-Stadelmann ( or Prof. Philippe Krebs (

Offre de thèse et post doc (pdf)


PhD and postdoc positions in Drosophila circuit and behavioural neuroscience

For an international collaborative project we look for young scientists keen to investigate the mechanisms and computational principles of complex forms of predictive learning. You will join a focused transatlantic team of scientists studying these questions in an interdisciplinary and highly collaborative manner. Together we will seek to determine the range of complex forms of predictive learning, including reward expectation, that animals with simpler brains are capable of (fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster and their larvae), map these faculties onto newly discovered circuit motifs, and model the computational capabilities of these circuit motifs.

The team is funded through the Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) program. The team is looking for PhD students and a post-doctoral researcher

eager to gain and share expertise in the broadly conceived field of behavioural neuroscience, neurogenetics, connectomics, neurophysiology, comparative experimental psychology, or computational neuroscience.


Team members will conduct their research locally embedded in BH Smith (Arizona State University, USA), T Jovanic (Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, France), B Gerber (Leibniz Institute of Neurobiology Magdeburg, Germany), or M Nawrot (University of Cologne, Germany). PIs have a track record of collaboration and have established means and funds to secure a cooperative, integrated set of research projects on “Encoding reward expectation in Drosophila”. Team members in any lab will have the opportunity to spend time in other labs to learn new concepts and techniques.

Please address your application, including in a single pdf of motivation letter (2 pages max), academic CV, publication list and the names and addresses of 2 reviewers to:


Screening interviews will be held online with all team PIs, followed by on site interviews with the respective PI.

Earliest start date:  January 2022